Rekstur - Lögfrćđi

  1. Alţjóđadómstóllinn í Haag
  2. AquaNet Law & Policy Project
  3. Conservation Law Foundation
  4. Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
  5. EFTA-dómstóllinn
  6. ESB - lög
  7. EUR-Lex-Search facilities and full text register of EU laws
  8. European Court of Justice
  9. European Commission - Aquaculture
  10. Einkaleyfisstofa
  11. GUIDE to international fisheries law
  12. Íslenski lögfrćđivefurinn
  13. Hérađsdómar
  14. Lovdata-Norge
  15. Lögbirtingarblađiđ
  16. Lög og reglugerđir í norskum sjávarútvegi og umhverfismálum
  17. International Fisheries Law
  18. Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law
  19. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
  20. International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
  21. International Law Treaties : Univ. of Vienna, Institute of International Law and International Relations
  22. International Environmental and Resource Law (Prof. Alexandrowicz)
  23. Law of the Sea Bulletin
  24. Lagasafn - Sjávarútvegur, fiskveiđar og fiskirćkt
  25. Lagasafn á vef Alţingis
  26. Löggjöf Evrópusambandsins á sviđi sjávarútvegs
  27. Marine Law Institute
  28. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
  29. Nordisk Institutt for Sjřrett
  30. OceanLaw
  31. Oceans and Law of the Sea Home Page
  32. Reglugerđađsafn á vef stjórnarráđsins
  33. Réttarheimildir á vef stjórnarráđsins
  34. Réttarríkiđ
  35. Ré
  36. Sea Grant Law Center
  37. Stjórnartíđindi
  38. United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea

  39. UNCLOS : United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea